Fighting for Equality is a Waste of Time
Tragedy begins the moment you sacrifice your natural being to conform to social constructs. Denying your biogloical facts to become identifed with a certain mold of characteristics is a recipe for misery. The idea underlying modern feminism and transgenderism is hilariously disturbing in the sense that one has to change who they are to be considered succesful or socially accepted, while the emphasis has been shifted drastically towards materialistic gains and external validation.
It is toxic to tell women that building a family is not as important as advancing in their career. Stay-at-home mothers should be celebrated, not undermined, since nothing is as difficult, as painful (both physically and emotionally) yet impactful as raising the next generation. To achieve what men has, women are told to give up on the ability to give birth or even that abortion is desirable where having kids is viewed as an obstacle. There are biological differences between women and men engrained in our very DNA. You don't need to match men's qualities in order to achieve the same level of success (however it is defined).
If you are a boy, just because you like to wear dresses or do makeup doesn't mean you should have your testicles chopped off. Similarly, if you have an XX chromosome, you are a woman and it doesn't make you otherwise if you hate playing dolls or sexually attracted to another female. Instead of encouraging the society to normalize the fact that a man can have femine characteristics and vice versa, modern transgenderism advocates for the notion of "gender reassignment" that calls for surgeries, as if it is biologically wrong in the first place. But isn't it cruel to encourage ones to sacrifice their own skin and go through physical tortues only to be considered "normal"?
Fighting for equality is a waste of time. Equality means everyone is given equal access to resources and opportunities, which is not how society works : there are such things called advantages and disadvantages. Meanwhile, equity takes personal differences into account and ensures everyone is allocated the right resources so that we all can achieve the same outcomes. Today's activism towards gender and race equality is filled up with victim mentality and victimization gets you nowever. It in fact does more harm than good. The victimhood culture creats a sense of purposelessness, that no matter how talented and hard-working you are, you will never make it until someone else has let go of opportunities they deserve. Things can go out of hand when companies continue to assure political correctness disguised under the notion of diversity. Being politically correct does not help the minority groups. Imagine that the main reason you are hired for a position is because you are a woman, or because you are Asian or black. These are subtle forms of sexism and racism. In the long run, everyone in the society including yourself will bear the consequences when jobs are not done by those who are qualified. No one should get their way without doing the actual work.
To end the misery, one must stop attaching self-worth with externalities, for example, to stop looking to other people to properly "gender" you so that you can feel good about yourself. Simply because seeking external validation is a forever game in which you can never win.